Unleashing Youth & Family Potential

We connect families to childcare resources and build the capacity of childcare providers, while empowering the next generation of youth through engaging afterschool programs.

Child Care Assistance Program

The YWCA administers the IDHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to help income-eligible parents pay for child care while they work or go to school. A family is considered income-eligible when the combined gross monthly income of all family members is at or below the amounts listed below for the corresponding family size. In two-parent families, both incomes must be combined to determine eligibility. Two-parent families include those with 2 or more adults living in the home, such as the applicant and his or her spouse or parents of a common child in the home.

Maximum Monthly Income
(200% FPL)
Family Size 2 $3,833
Family Size 3 $4,841
Family Size 4 $5,850
Family Size 5 $6,859
Family Size 6 $7,868
Family Size 7 $8,876
Family Size 8 $9,885
Family Size 9 $10,894
Family Size 10 $11,493

To qualify for the Illinois Department of Human Services Child Care Assistance program:

  • Use the estimated Eligibility Calculator to see if you are eligible for child care assistance.

  • Find a child care provider who will be willing to accept the child care assistance funding. If you would like a list of providers in your area please call us at 847-406-4030.

  • Submit a completed Application for Child Care Assistance to our office.

  • Allow 10 business days from the day of receipt for your application to be reviewed.


YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Child Care Assistance Program serves parents and providers in the counties of DuPage, Kane and Lake. Our office hours and phone lines open Monday-Thursday 8:00AM – 4:00PM and Friday 8:00AM – 1:30PM.

There are three ways to reach our staff:

Parents and Providers may submit documents in a PDF format to our email address at CCAP@ywcachicago.org or by fax. For DuPage and Kane counties, the fax number is 630-629-7801 and for Lake County the fax number is 847-855-0304.

Child Care Provider Services

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago believes that all children deserve quality care. High-quality early education programs improve children’s developmental outcomes. Recently the spotlight has been on the importance of the early years and the public is demanding more from early childhood professionals and their programs.The Quality & Training team is committed to partnering with early childhood professionals like you that have dedicated themselves to helping children learn, grow, and develop to their full potential and to help parents, families, and communities build strong educational programs. We offer a variety of services specifically designed to support early childhood professionals and help them provide the highest quality of care for children in our communities.

Continued Education

A diverse selection of training covering topics such as child development, positive guidance, curriculum planning, ExceleRate IL, cultural sensitivity, special needs, and business practices.

Training Calendar (April-June)
Training Calendar (January-March)
Education Navigators
Training Policies
How to Print Membership Card
Where to Find Trainings

Quality Child Care Consultant Services

Specialized staff available to provide training, consultation, and FREE site visits.

ExceleRate Illinois (For licensed centers and homes)

Professional Development Grant Opportunities

Illinois supports the continuing professional development of child care practitioners.  In partnership with YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, the IL Department of Human Services (IDHS) is providing funds to assist an individual in pursuit of professional development in early care and education and school-age care. Funding is limited and is done on a reimbursement basis.

FY25 Individual Professional Development Grant Application
W-9 Form

FY25 Fondos de Desarrollo Profesional Individual
Solicitud y Certificación del Número de Identificación del Contribuyente

Quality Improvement Grant Opportunities

The Quality Improvement Funds have been developed and are offered through the child care resource and referral agencies to assist and support programs that are choosing to work towards/maintain an ExceleRate™ IL Circle of Quality. There are three areas to the QI Funds: ExceleRate™ IL cohort, ExceleRate™ IL training stipend, and accreditation assistance. Please read the overview and the guidelines to determine which area(s) best meets your needs. Requests may be made in multiple areas.

The QI Funds are based on available funding. The QI Funds program is administered by YWCA Metropolitan Chicago. Funds are provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Applications and other required documentation can be submitted by:

FY25 Quality Improvement Grant Application (English)
W-9 Form

FY25 Fondos de Mejoramiento de la Calidad
Solicitud y Certificación del Número de Identificación del Contribuyente

CPR/First Aid Funds

In partnership with YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, the Illinois Department of Human Services is providing funds to assist child care practitioners to achieve First Aid (FA)/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification. Funding is limited and is done on a reimbursement basis. Applications and other required documentation can be submitted by:

Specifics on each component are noted in the grant packet here: 

FY25 CPR/First Aid Certification Funds Application
W-9 Form
FY25 Programa de Reembolso de Primeros Auxilios/RCP
Solicitud y Certificación del Número de Identificación del Contribuyente

Licensed-Exempt Provider Health & Safety Improvement Funds

Illinois is committed to assisting License Exempt Providers providing safe quality care for children. One way to do that is with the Licensed Exempt Providers Health and Safety Improvement Funds. The Health and Safety Improvement Funds are based on available funding. The Funds program is administered by YWCA Metropolitan Chicago and provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). Applications and other required documentation can be submitted by:

Specifics on each component are noted in the grant packet. Recipients of this grant receive:

  • Up to $500 for Licensed Exempt Childcare Centers (LECC)

  • Up to $300 for Licensed Exempt Family Child Care (LEFCC) providers providing care in their own home

  • Up to $150 for LEFCC providers providing care in child's home

Funds can be used for items related to LEFCC Health & Safety Self-Assessment Checklist such as First Aid Kits, fire extinguishers, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, safety gates, electrical safety plugs, cribs that meet standards, safety locked cabinets, safety locks, lead-free paint.

FY25 License Exempt Child Care Grant Application
W-9 Form

FY25 Cuidado infantil exento de licencia Guía y solicitud de la subvención
Solicitud y Certificación del Número de Identificación del Contribuyente

Child Care Payment Updates

Providers can check on the status of specific payments by calling IDHS’ Provider Assistance line at 800.804.3833 one working day after the payment was entered or two working days after the payment was approved.

  • IDHS now has a phone number that provides additional payment updates and information: 217.524.9041

  • Providers who enter payments via the IDHS IVR system can call 800.787.9316

  • Providers can also see if a payment has been issued by using the Illinois State Comptroller website.

    • Enter SS# or FEIN (click OK)

    • For the next two pages click on gray boxes at the bottom (Payments and Find Warrants)

    • The most recent payment will be listed at top of the page.

Visit the Illinois State Comptroller Website

Note: Paper checks are mailed the working day after being issued. Direct deposit and debit card payments are usually in accounts two working days after being issued. Weekends and holidays are not working days.

Contact the IDHS Direct Deposit System – 217.557.0930

  • Receive an authorization form from the Comptroller’s Electronic Commerce Division

  • Payees already enrolled in Direct Deposit can make account changes

Additional Resources

Other website and links for early care & education professionals:

Exelerate Illinois Providers
Statewide Training Calendar
Online Mandated Reporter Training (Login)
Información para Programas de Cuidado de Niños en el Hogar
How to Print CCAP Report

YWCA Patterson and McDaniel Family Center (2055 West Army Trail Road, Suite 140, Addison, IL 60101)

YWCA Lake County Center (1537 S. Waukegan Road
Waukegan, IL 60085)

Who’s Eligible
All early childhood professionals in DuPage, Kane, and Lake counties.

Monday – Thursday, 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday, 8:00am – 1:00pm
Professional Development training offered weeknights and on Saturdays.

Both free and low-cost training sessions are offered. Please see the current training calendar for more information.

Please contact us 630.790.6600 or childcare@ywcachicago.org. When calling, please follow prompts and select Early Childhood Services (Option 4). There will be additional prompts. Paperwork can be faxed to 630-629-7801.

Child Care Referrals & Parent Services

Finding quality, convenient and affordable child care is not an easy job. The YWCA assists parents and caretakers in their search for child care through referrals, individual counseling and provider workshops. Parent Services provides information and referrals to help you find the right child care solution for your family. We serve DuPage, Lake, and Kane counties.

Illinois Cares for Kids is the one place Illinois parents, grandparents, caretakers, teachers, and child care providers can access all things related to early childhood in Illinois. Click here to learn more about the Illinois Cares for Kids program.

In DuPage, Lake, and Kane counties, an enhanced search service, offering verified openings by phone is available. This referral service is also offered to employers to enhance employee benefit packages. Child care consultation and referral services in DuPage, Lake, and Kane counties are funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services.


DuPage, Lake, and Kane counties

Who’s Eligible
Parents in DuPage, Lake, and Kane counties

Parents can receive a free customized referral and speak with a parent educator at 847-406-4030. Enhanced phone and online search service is available for an additional fee.

Please contact us at 847-406-4030 or childcare@ywcachicago.org.

Child Mental Health Services

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Services

We believe that Early Childhood Professionals deserve access to quality mental health services in their programming, too.

What is Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (I/ECMHC)?

Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is a proactive, prevention-based approach that pairs a Mental Health Specialist with early childhood programs (birth to 5 years old) in order to support adults in building their capacity to meet the social and emotional needs of young children.

What does a Mental Health Specialist do?

The Mental Health Specialist collaborates with early educators, including administrators, classroom teachers, and other support staff to provide:

  • Monthly site visits

  • Observations of classrooms and individual children

  • One-on-one or group consultation for early childhood staff

  • Guidance developing individualized support plans for children/families

  • Professional development training for staff and groups for parents on topics related to Children’s Mental Health

  • Support with making referrals to community and educational resources

  • Guidance for programs on how to support and promote staff wellbeing

Research has shown that I/ECMHC can help providers/educators to:

  • Be more reflective

  • Feel less stress and more supported with children’s behavior

  • Feel more confident to manage children’s behavior in proactive and positive ways

  • Attend to children more equitably and provide individualized supports

I/ECMHC can help programs to:

  • Develop plans for supporting teacher/staff wellness and reduce burnout

  • Create more positive classroom environments that support children in developing social and emotional skills

  • Strengthen relationships with parents/families

  • Reduce the likelihood of expulsion of suspension

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago is seeking early education program partners to receive these services for FREE, thanks to the generous support of local Community Mental Health Boards!

Click here to visit the website for Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development to learn more about the research and importance of I/ECMHC.


Bloomingdale Township (Download Flyer)
Milton Township (Download Flyer)

Katherine Layden

Head Start

Head Start helps young children from low-income families prepare to succeed in school through local programs. Head Start and Early Head Start programs promote children’s development through services that support early learning, health, and family well-being.

Head Start

Head Start helps young children (3-5 years old) from low-income families prepare to succeed in school through local programs. Head Start programs promote children's development through services that support early learning, health, and family well-being. Our programs are available at no cost and currently serve families in DuPage, Kane, Lake, and Grundy County.

Early Head Start

Early Head Start helps young children in low income households, from birth to 3 years old and their families prepare to succeed in school through local programs. These programs promote children’s development through services that support early learning, health, and family well-being. Our programs serve families in Aurora, Addison, Melrose Park, and Bellwood.

For Children

  • Year-Round, Full and Half-Day Programs

  • Low Teacher-Child Ratios

  • School Readiness/Engaging Activities

  • Nutritious Meals for Children

  • Welcomes children with special needs

For Parents

  • GED and ESL Classes

  • Career Services/Financial Management Education

  • Links to Community Resources

  • Computer Training Classes

  • Child Care Assistance Program Available

Preschool for All - Expansion

Preschool for All Expansion program provides high-quality preschool services, including comprehensive developmental screening; bachelor’s-level early childhood licensed teachers; and standards-aligned, research-based curriculum to provide children with a foundation of knowledge and skills that allows them to be successful throughout their school experience. Programs are located in Aurora and West Chicago.

Prevention Initiative

Prevention Initiative (PI) provides intensive, research-based, and comprehensive child development and family support services for expectant parents and families with children from birth to age 3 to help them build a strong foundation for learning and to prepare children for later school success.​

This website is supported by Grant Number’s 05HP000507 and 05CH011765 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

Current Centers

This work is made possible by the following funders:

Strong Families

strong families, Childcare Assistance, YWCA Chicago

Strong Families empowers parents in their natural and learned abilities to be loving and protective parents while promoting healthy child development, supporting and enhancing their journey to self-sufficiency, self-realization and self-fulfillment. Our work is conducted through home visiting and peer group learning services utilizing research-based parenting curriculum, trauma-informed services, child sex abuse prevention training, and promoting positive interaction and communication amongst caregivers and children. Strong Families also offers other developmental opportunities for parents, including book clubs, volunteer hours, peer mentoring, college tours, and field trips.


Chicago’s South Side

Healthy Families Illinois – Healthy Families Illinois uses a relationship focused approach, while promoting positive parenting skills and parent-child interaction and attachment, optimal prenatal care, child health and development and enhanced family self-sufficiency to ultimately create safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments.

Young Parents Program – Young parents 24 years of age and under, including pregnant and parenting youth.

Relatives as Parents Program

DuPage County

Parent Mentor Program – Birth-17

Prevention Initiative – Prenatal mothers and children Birth-3

Suburban Cook County

Elk Grove Village, Mount Prospect, Hoffman Estates (Download Flyer)

Prevention Initiative – Pregnant mothers and children (Birth-3)

Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, Prospect Heights (Download Flyer)

Prevention Initiative – Pregnant mothers and children (Birth-3)


Damaris Wright, Family Services Director

Lanetta Williams, Strong Families Chicago Coordinator

Arcelia Garay, Manager


According to the 2018 Science and Engineering Indicators Report, 28% of women are pursuing degrees in the Science and Engineering fields and represent 15% of the labor force. The growth trend has increased incrementally over the years due to STEAM programs that have focused on increasing this population by introducing STEAM topics at earlier ages, providing youth mentoring, engaging professionals to introduce career paths, and encouraging them to pursue their dreams. The YWCA TechGYRLS program embodies these values by offering a myriad of programs to help spark, sustain, and deepen girls’ interest in STEAM subjects and STEAM-related careers.

TechGYRLS is a youth empowerment program designed to raise girls’ interest & confidence in the critical areas of science, technology, engineering, arts & mathematics (STEAM). The TechGYRLS Program will help young girls develop 21st Century skills like creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking/ problem-solving skill that they can use in any profession they pursue. The program offers students a safe, supportive, girls-only environment for exploration and learning using hands-on inquiry-based curriculum comprised of various fun science content like making butter in a jar, glitter slime, wearable technology, digital fabrication, design, gaming & animation, coding, programming, and robotics just to name a few while becoming the next STEMnistas.


Who’s Eligible:
Girls, ages 9 to 14

Participants can join our private Facebook Group here.

Interested participants, please call 773-496-5652 or email techgyrls@ywcachicago.org.

National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT) (1995), https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/sestat/, and the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) (2015), https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/srvygrads/.
Science and Engineering Indicators 2018