

Social Emotional Skill Development in Early Childhood: The Importance of ‘Being’ Before ‘Doing’

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

We live in a culture of doing, accomplishing, and task completion and these values have understandably bled into our everyday interactions with children. The critical building block for healthy social emotional development is the experience of co-regulating with a safe, consistent, and regulated adult. This training will leave participants with a better understanding of how the brain’s regulation system develops as well as how adults can better interpret and support young children’s feelings and behaviors by being ‘with’ instead of doing.

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Comienzos de Calidad

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

¿Está interesado en comenzar un negocio de calidad de cuidado de niños en la casa? ¡Entonces esta clase es para usted! Se revisará, en forma general, todos los aspectos envueltos en operar un negocio familiar de cuidado de niños, incluyendo entrevista con los padres, mercadeando sus servicios, manteniendo archivos e impuestos, y mucho más. Cuando comienza un negocio de cuidado infantil, encontrará que necesita formas. Muchas formas. Desde horarios hasta contratos, desde acuerdos de transporte hasta “llegar a conocerte”, y muchas más. No se preocupe. Hemos reunido todos las formas que se necesitan y los hemos colocado en una memoria USB que puede comprar; y todas las formas son editables.

Agregue uno a su registración de Comienzos de Calidad por solo $10 Comprarlo el día de la orientación por $15

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Introduction to the Environment Rating Scale (ERS) - Training Series

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $10.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training is for center-based programs and family child care providers and offers an overview of the Environment Rating Scales. The Environment Rating Scales are user-friendly assessment tools that measure the quality of the learning environment for infants through school-age children. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool(s) for program self-assessment and improvement planning.

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Desarrollo del Habla y Lenguaje en Niños del Nacimiento a 5 Años

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Este entrenamiento proveerá información acerca del desarrollo típico y atípico del habla y lenguaje en niños del nacimiento a cinco años. Se proveerán estrategias para promover el lenguaje en el ambiente de aprendizaje y tablas de Articulación con el desarrollo de los sonidos en Español y en Ingles.

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Child Development, Health, and Safety Basics


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training will provide participants an overview of child development, health, and safety issues for children birth through early school age. Emphasis will be on understanding patterns of development, developmental domains, and the role of nutrition in development. In addition, health and safety issues will address supporting the growth of healthy children - from the basics such as hand washing to more in-depth practices surrounding healthy procedures and disease prevention. Participants will learn more about emergency planning/preparedness and first aid as well as identify tips for maintaining safe indoor/outdoor environments.

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Quality Beginnings

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $10.00-$25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Interested in starting a home child care business? Then this class is for you! A brief overview of all the aspects involved in operating a family child care home, including interviewing parents, marketing your services, setting up, record keeping and taxes, and more will be covered. When you start a child care business, you will find that you need forms. A lot of forms. From schedules to contracts, from transportation agreements to  getting to know you, and many more. Don’t worry. We have gathered all of the forms you can think of and have put them onto a flash drive that you can purchase; and they are all editable.

– Add to your registration for only $10.

– Purchase the day of the training for $15.

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Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and Behavior: Adults and Children’s Biological Stress Response

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Stephen Porges first published Polyvagal Theory in 1994 and it has been utilized in a variety of contexts to better understand our body’s response to stress ever since. Participants will learn about how evolution and brain development impact our stressed behavior. In this training, we will investigate ideas around the vagus nerve, physical and emotional safety, and neuroception. These concepts greatly influence our relationships with one another and with the children we care for. Children’s emotions and behaviors are explained through the lens of the brain-body connection and supportive strategies are explored and practiced.

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CAASE In-Person Legal Consultation for Survivors

In-Person Legal Consultation for Survivors

Third Friday of Each Month, 10am-3pm
YWCA Parks Francis Center
6600 S Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

CAASE provides free legal consultation and services to survivors of sexual assault, sex trafficking, or sexual stalking. You can talk to one of our attorneys in English or Spanish at this event. No appointment is needed.

Click here to join this event virtually via Zoom.

CAASE Legal Services

CAASE attorneys handle criminal and civil matters and can work to:

  • Assert and uphold your victim’s rights within the criminal justice system by advocating for you. For example: joining you at law enforcement interviews, following up with police, arguing in court, and more

  • Getting you legal protection from offenders through protective orders

  • Pushing for support, accommodations, and accountability from your employer and/or school (often through Title IX)

  • Seeking financial damages from your perpetrator, employer, or school through civil lawsuits

  • Taking action against revenge porn and cyber sexual abuse

  • Helping clear criminal records for sex trafficking survivors

For more information about CAASE’s legal services or this event, please contact our Legal Director, Elizabeth Payne, at 773-244-2230, ext. 209, or email

Who CAASE Can Help

We work on cases that took place in Cook County and involve victims aged 13+. We cannot assist with cases involving criminal defense, divorce, custody, property in common, family court, or immigration.

Click to learn more about CAASE’s free legal services for survivors of sexual harm.

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | 312-328-0873 | Email

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Get advice from a Housing Counselor so you can maintain ownership of your home. Counselors will share tips on budgeting to meet your mortgage payments and options such as modifications, financial assistance for homeowners, and forbearance to address temporary financial difficulties.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business/entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-328-0873 to get started today!

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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CPR and First Aid/Anaphylaxis Certification

COST: $0-$70

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This course is designed to prepare participants to provide first aid, CPR, and use an Epi pen and automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. It offers the basics of recognizing and administering first aid for the most common life-threatening emergencies including anaphylaxis.

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Comunicación con las Familias

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

La comunicación con las familias en una forma respetuosa y esencial para construir sociedades con las familias. Este taller interactivo ayudara a los participantes a entender su estilo de comunicación, el cual incluye escuchar.

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1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. Select a 2-day, evening virtual sessions on Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (both evenings must be attended).

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Desordenes del Desarrollo en la Primera Infancia

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Este entrenamiento proporcionará amplia información sobre los trastornos más comunes en la primera infancia, incluyendo sus características y los diferentes enfoques e intervenciones educativas.

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Los Ocho Sentidos

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Probablemente usted ha escuchado de los 5 sentidos, oler, ver, oír tocar y escuchar. Pero sabía usted que realmente hay ocho sistemas sensoriales. La invito a conocer más de estos sentidos en este taller y que tan importante es saber que el sistema sensorial del niño trabaje para desarrollarse en todo su esplendor.

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Estrategias para Apoyar el Éxito en la Adaptación con Niños de 0-3 Años

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $15.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

El proceso más significativo para el inicio de actividades escolares es la adaptación y relación de los nuevos integrantes, en donde se debe valorar no solo el involucramiento de los niños, sino también el de las familias, empleando una práctica participativa y afectiva que permita la construcción de confianza entre la familia, el niño y la escuela. En este entrenamiento aprenderás estrategias para apoyar el éxito en la adaptación construyendo nuevos aprendizajes a nivel social, personal y cognitivo que permitirán formar niños seguros, líderes y seres humanos felices.

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Social Emotional Learning: An Important Piece of Kindergarten Readiness

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $15.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

We’ve all heard about children being kindergarten ready by knowing their numbers and letters, but how are children ready for school emotionally? Without fundamental skills like playing cooperatively, being able to focus on a task, and using their words to express their feelings, moving up to kindergarten can be very difficult for kids and families. In this training, we focus on different ways to develop social emotional learning in your classroom culture along with some strategies to help support the skills children need for the rest of their life.

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Using Visuals for Intentional Teaching

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $15.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

A part of creating high quality successful learning environments requires the engagement of every child, a universal design for learning, and making accommodations and providing support as needed. Using visuals to teach intentionally can support children to feel confident and competent, while also allowing them to take ownership and pride in the environment. Join in for discussion and reflection on how you can use visuals in your own environment to meet the needs of all children.

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | 312-328-0873 | Email

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Get advice from a Housing Counselor so you can maintain ownership of your home. Counselors will share tips on budgeting to meet your mortgage payments and options such as modifications, financial assistance for homeowners, and forbearance to address temporary financial difficulties.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business/entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-328-0873 to get started today!

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. Select a 2-day, evening virtual sessions on Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (both evenings must be attended).

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Construyendo Buenas Relaciones con las Familias

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

En esta capacitación exploraremos técnicas para construir buenas y positivas relaciones con las familias de los niños en el programa. Reflexionar en practicas actuales e implementar nuevas estrategias para involucrar a los padres como mienmbros activos en el programa educativo para beneficio de sus ninos.

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Pyramid Model Preschool Module - Training Series Module 2: High-Quality,Supportive Environments - Sessions 1, 2, & 3

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Casey Craft-Cortes, Whitney Bieber

Establishing This module focuses on the practices for establishing high-quality supportive classroom environments that promote social-emotional skill development and prevent challenging behavior. Practices related to schedules, routines, transitions, promoting engagement, expectations, and rules are addressed in the workshop. *Must attend all 3 sessions to receive certification of completion.*

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Elementos Basicos de Desarrollo Infantil, Salud y Seguridad

COSTO: Gratis

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Esta capacitación proporcionará a los participantes una visión general del desarrollo infantil, salud, y cuestiones de seguridad para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta la edad escolar temprana. El énfasis será en la comprensión de las pautas de desarrollo, áreas de desarrollo, y el papel que juega la nutrición en el desarrollo. Además, las cuestiones de salud y seguridad abarcarán el apoyo al crecimiento sano de los niños – desde lo fundamental como el lavado de manos hasta prácticas más profundas que involucran procedimientos saludables y la prevención de enfermedades. Los participantes aprenderán más sobre la planificación/preparación de emergencias y los primeros auxilios además de identificar sugerencias para mantener un ambiente seguro de interior y/o al aire libre.

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Comienzos de Calidad

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

¿Está interesado en comenzar un negocio de calidad de cuidado de niños en la casa? ¡Entonces esta clase es para usted! Se revisará, en forma general, todos los aspectos envueltos en operar un negocio familiar de cuidado de niños, incluyendo entrevista con los padres, mercadeando sus servicios, manteniendo archivos e impuestos, y mucho más. Cuando comienza un negocio de cuidado infantil, encontrará que necesita formas. Muchas formas. Desde horarios hasta contratos, desde acuerdos de transporte hasta “llegar a conocerte”, y muchas más. No se preocupe. Hemos reunido todos las formas que se necesitan y los hemos colocado en una memoria USB que puede comprar; y todas las formas son editables.

Agregue uno a su registración de Comienzos de Calidad por solo $10 Comprarlo el día de la orientación por $15

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What is CCAP? (For Centers)

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training for Family Child Care Centers training reviews the Illinois Department of Human Service (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). The IDHS CCAP helps pay for child care expenses for income-eligible families who work or participate in eligible activities. This training describes CCAP eligibility guidelines and application requirements for child care centers. Payment determination and options for receiving payment are also explained along with additional information for both CCAP providers and families.

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¿Que es CCAP? (Para Centros)

DÓNDE: Virtual


CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

La capacitación de ¿Qué es CCAP? para centros de cuidado infantil revisa el Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil (CCAP) del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois (IDHS). El CCAP de IDHS ayuda pagar los gastos de cuidado infantil para las familias que trabajan o participan en actividades elegibles. Esta capacitación describe las pautas de elegibilidad de CCAP y los requisitos de solicitud para los centros de cuidado infantil. La determinación de pagos y las opciones para recibir el pago también se explican junto con información adicional para los proveedores de CCAP y las familias. 

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Big Worries in Little Children: Understanding Children’s Anxiety & Ways to Help

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Young children can be anxious about many things- separating from caregivers, trying new activities, having a new routine, making new friends- the list goes on. Adults often don’t know how to support the sometimes overwhelming fear that arises from situations that may seem simple or benign. In this training, participants will learn about the telltale signs of anxiety in children and the ways in which adults can unintentionally escalate these feelings. Strategies and supports for how to de-escalate anxious moments will be shared, discussed and practiced.

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Detrás de las Causas por las que los Niños Pequeños Muerden

DÓNDE: Virtual

COSTO: $15.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

La capacitación se centrará en una de las cosas más comunes con las que los maestros y los padres tienen dificultades para trabajar cuando un niño pequeño comienza a morder a otro niño. La presentación se centrará en ayudar a los profesores y padres a comprender por qué los niños pequeños muerden. Dedicaremos una hora y media a aprender el motivo de la porque los niños muerden, si esto es normal o no, cosas que podemos hacer, cosas que nunca deveriamos de haremos y más.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Hope. Love. Pink. 5K 2024

Hope. Love. Pink. 5K 2024

Participants will have the opportunity to run, walk, bike, or rollerblade across the finish line, wherever they choose that to be!

Proceeds from this event will support YWCA Metropolitan Chicago's Health Promotion and Navigation services who have been on the frontlines in our Lake County community, responding to needs for health education, nutrition, vaccines, health screenings, groceries, diapers, formula, mental health support, CPR education, free mammograms and breast health information.

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CAASE In-Person Legal Consultation for Survivors

In-Person Legal Consultation for Survivors

Third Friday of Each Month, 10am-3pm
YWCA Parks Francis Center
6600 S Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

CAASE provides free legal consultation and services to survivors of sexual assault, sex trafficking, or sexual stalking. You can talk to one of our attorneys in English or Spanish at this event. No appointment is needed.

Click here to join this event virtually via Zoom.

CAASE Legal Services

CAASE attorneys handle criminal and civil matters and can work to:

  • Assert and uphold your victim’s rights within the criminal justice system by advocating for you. For example: joining you at law enforcement interviews, following up with police, arguing in court, and more

  • Getting you legal protection from offenders through protective orders

  • Pushing for support, accommodations, and accountability from your employer and/or school (often through Title IX)

  • Seeking financial damages from your perpetrator, employer, or school through civil lawsuits

  • Taking action against revenge porn and cyber sexual abuse

  • Helping clear criminal records for sex trafficking survivors

For more information about CAASE’s legal services or this event, please contact our Legal Director, Elizabeth Payne, at 773-244-2230, ext. 209, or email

Who CAASE Can Help

We work on cases that took place in Cook County and involve victims aged 13+. We cannot assist with cases involving criminal defense, divorce, custody, property in common, family court, or immigration.

Click to learn more about CAASE’s free legal services for survivors of sexual harm.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. Select a 2-day, evening virtual sessions on Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (both evenings must be attended).

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | 312-328-0873 | Email

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Get advice from a Housing Counselor so you can maintain ownership of your home. Counselors will share tips on budgeting to meet your mortgage payments and options such as modifications, financial assistance for homeowners, and forbearance to address temporary financial difficulties.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business/entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-328-0873 to get started today!

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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Digital Literacy Basics

Instructor-led lecture, recap, question-and-answer session, and further instructions for the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Web Design Program. Participants must apply/register in advance for this program. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Early Childhood Mental Health

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Focusing on birth to 5 year olds and their development of healthy and secure attachments as well as the development of emotions and self-regulation. Participants will gain information on how to support this development in early childhood with the goal of decreasing challenging behaviors and foster healthy social and emotional skills.

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Office Admin Tech Series: MS Excel

Learn the basics of MS Excel 2019. We will cover the tools and features needed to be proficient in modern spreadsheet creation. This class will also serve as a great pre-requisite for the MS Excel Microsoft Office Specialist Certification exam.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Digital Literacy Basics

Instructor-led lecture, recap, question-and-answer session, and further instructions for the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Web Design Program. Participants must apply/register in advance for this program. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Office Admin Tech Series: MS Excel

Learn the basics of MS Excel 2019. We will cover the tools and features needed to be proficient in modern spreadsheet creation. This class will also serve as a great pre-requisite for the MS Excel Microsoft Office Specialist Certification exam.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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All-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

All-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. Select an all-day, virtual Saturday session from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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CPR and First Aid/Anaphylaxis Certification

COST: $0-$70

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

American Heart Association Pediatric First Aid and HeartSaver Adult/Infant/Child CPR certification, including anaphylaxis/Epi Pen training. The American Heart certification is valid for 2 years.

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Digital Literacy Basics

Instructor-led lecture, recap, question-and-answer session, and further instructions for the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Web Design Program. Participants must apply/register in advance for this program. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Office Admin Tech Series: MS Excel

Learn the basics of MS Excel 2019. We will cover the tools and features needed to be proficient in modern spreadsheet creation. This class will also serve as a great pre-requisite for the MS Excel Microsoft Office Specialist Certification exam.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Síndrome de Muerte Infantil Súbita (SIDS/SUID/AAP Sueño Seguro)


CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Esta capacitación analiza el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SIDS/SUID/AAP Safe Sleep), incluidos comportamientos que aumentan el riesgo de SMSL, hábitos de sueño seguro, estándares de licencia y recursos para obtener más información. La finalización exitosa de este curso cumple con los requisitos de licencia previa al servicio del DCFS para proveedores de atención domiciliaria. Los proveedores con licencia también recibirán horas de capacitación para la renovación de la licencia. **La capacitación también cumple con los requisitos del DCFS para todos los proveedores**

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Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido y Lesión Cerebral Traumática


CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Esta capacitación analiza los signos, síntomas, causas, desencadenantes, prevención y efectos a largo plazo del síndrome del bebé sacudido y la lesión cerebral traumática. La finalización exitosa de este curso cumple con los requisitos de licencia previa al servicio del DCFS para proveedores de atención domiciliaria. Los proveedores con licencia también recibirán horas de capacitación para la renovación de la licencia. **La capacitación también cumple con los requisitos del DCFS para todos los proveedores**

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YW Tech Lab 2024- Web Design Program

Continuing study in web design topics of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, and an introduction to JavaScript. Students will independently create webpages utilizing these technologies. Prior knowledge/ experience in Web Design required. Classes are in-person.

COST: Free

CONTACT: Gregory Vaughn; 773-496-5634 ;

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Introduction to the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scales (FCCERS)—Training Series

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $10.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training is for Family Child Care practitioners and provides an overview of the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scales Revised (FCCERS-R). FCCERS-R is a user-friendly assessment tool used to measure the quality of the learning environment. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool for program self-assessment and improvement planning. In addition, practitioners will be aware of FCCERS-R linkage to national accreditation, Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards (IELDS) and ExceleRate Illinois, Illinois’ quality rating and improvement system.

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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Building Attachment Through Play: Come and Practice a Trauma-Informed Circle Time

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

The value in play is immeasurable, but have you ever thought of it in terms of supporting children’s healthy attachment? This training will allow participants an opportunity to understand the importance of caregiver attunement and building relationships with children through the use of play in a unique way. The foundations of Sunshine Circles© by the Theraplay Institute will be explored and practiced. Sunshine Circles© is a research-based, adult-directed model of activities, to help support children's social emotional development and play skills. Participants will learn and practice the rules of, "No Hurts, Stick Together and Have Fun,” and will be able to partake in activities from the model to use in their programs.

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