

El Programa de Cuidado Infantil Familiar de Redleaf: Enseñar a través de una atención de calidad

COSTO: $20.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

Los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar explorarán elementos clave del plan de estudios que apoyan el desarrollo de los niños en todos los ámbitos durante los primeros años, desde la infancia hasta el jardín de infantes. Se explorarán cinco dominios del desarrollo: físico, cognitivo, comunicación y lenguaje, social y emocional, y enfoques del aprendizaje. Se explorarán los elementos necesarios para apoyar programas de cuidado infantil familiar de alta calidad, incluido el establecimiento de un programa de cuidado infantil familiar seguro y de apoyo, la asociación con las familias y el establecimiento de políticas y prácticas del programa. ***Debe asistir a ambas sesiones para recibir la certificación***

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CPR and First Aid/Anaphylaxis Certification

COST: $0-$70

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This course is designed to prepare participants to provide first aid, CPR, and use an Epi pen and automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. It offers the basics of recognizing and administering first aid for the most common life-threatening emergencies including anaphylaxis.

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Pyramid Model Infant-Toddler Module Series Module 1: Introduction & Understanding Social-Emotional Development

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Casey Craft-Cortes

As the first training module in the Pyramid Model Infant-Toddler Module Series, Understanding Social-Emotional Development will acquaint participants with the Pyramid Model, introduce important terms that will be used throughout the Pyramid Model training modules, and lay a foundation to better understand the role caregivers play in young children’s social-emotional development.

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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Quality Beginnings


COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Interested in starting a home child care business? Then this class is for you! A brief overview of all the aspects involved in operating a family child care home, including interviewing parents, marketing your services, setting up, record keeping and taxes, and more will be covered. When you start a child care business, you will find that you need forms. A lot of forms. From schedules to contracts, from transportation agreements to  getting to know you, and many more. Don’t worry. We have gathered all of the forms you can think of and have put them onto a flash drive that you can purchase; and they are all editable.

– Add to your registration for only $10.

– Purchase the day of the training for $15.

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Implement Visual Supports in the Classroom

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Cheryl Hazek

Visuals can be a great tool to promote children's comprehension and prevent challenging behaviors. In this training, we aim to provide information about visuals to assist children's learning, and different types of visual support that can be easily implemented in your classrooms.

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2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

2-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. This workshop is a 2-day, evening virtual session on Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (both evenings must be attended).

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Comprender y Abordar el Trauma Infantil en el Cuidado Infantil


COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

El trauma infantil puede tener un impacto profundo en el desarrollo, el aprendizaje y el bienestar general de un niño. Al comprender los efectos del trauma e implementar estrategias basadas en el trauma, los educadores pueden crear un entorno enriquecedor y de apoyo que promueva la curación, la resiliencia y el éxito académico.

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Virtual Group Tuesdays @5:00pm - 6:00pm , February 18, 2025 - April 8, 2025

Using the steps in in the book ‘You Need a Manifesto’ by Charlotte Burgess-Auburn clients will work each week on a new aspect of their personal manifesto and will use the prompts for self-reflection and goal setting. Group is held weekly on Tuesdays via Zoom and for those 18 and older.

Contact: Temyia Holcomb, LPC at or Lynese McIntosh at for more information/to schedule an intake.

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Healthy Kids, Healthy Future P.A.L.S. Physical Activity Learning Session - Part 1 & 2

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Jennifer Robertson

PALS is an "out of the box" training designed to give early care providers a solid knowledge base of best practices for physical activity. The PALS content addresses physical activity for children birth through age five years. The goal of PALS is to support practice and policy changes in ECE programs. PALS combines content learning with facility-level self-assessments, policy development opportunities, resources, and materials, to support practice change in ECE programs, leading to healthier, more active children. ***Must attend both sessions to receive certification***

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Stories of Strength: A Writing Workshop for Adult Survivors

This creative writing workshop provides a safe and supportive space for adult survivors of sexual violence to explore their stories, express their emotions, and reclaim their voices. Through guided prompts and exercises, participants will use the power of words to foster healing, build resilience, and celebrate their strength. No prior writing experience is needed—just a willingness to create.

Contact: Kat Sturdevant, ATR-P at or Candillia Park at for more information/to register

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Helping Children Understand Race: Being “Colorblind” Is Not the Answer


COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training addresses the common misconceptions around talking with young children about race. Studies have shown that White parents often communicate to their children that “race doesn’t matter.” However, children of color learn very early on that race does matter in life. Racial differences, unfortunately, often equate to a lifetime of educational, legal, and health disparities that should not be ignored. Societal change requires us all to begin conversations about race with young children. Age appropriate honesty, transparency, and validation of experiences are a few of the tools presented here to help children process and understand racial differences.

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¿Que es CCAP? (Para Centros)

DÓNDE: Virtual


CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

¿Qué es el CCAP? para centros de cuidado infantil revisa el Programa de asistencia para el cuidado infantil (CCAP) del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois (IDHS). El IDHS CCAP ayuda a pagar los gastos de cuidado infantil de familias con ingresos elegibles que trabajan o participan en actividades elegibles. Esta capacitación describe las pautas de elegibilidad del CCAP y los requisitos de solicitud para centros de cuidado infantil. También se explican la determinación de pago y las opciones para recibir el pago junto con información adicional tanto para los proveedores como para las familias del CCAP.

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What is CCAP? (For Centers)

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

The What is CCAP? for Child Care Centers training reviews the Illinois Department of Human Service (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). The IDHS CCAP helps pay for child care expenses for income-eligible families who work or participate in eligible activities. This training describes CCAP eligibility guidelines and application requirements for child care centers. Payment determination and options for receiving payment are also explained along with additional information for both CCAP providers and families.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | 312-328-0873 | Email

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Get advice from a Housing Counselor so you can maintain ownership of your home. Counselors will share tips on budgeting to meet your mortgage payments and options such as modifications, financial assistance for homeowners, and forbearance to address temporary financial difficulties.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business/entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-328-0873 to get started today!

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Comienzos de Calidad


COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

¿Está interesado en comenzar un negocio de calidad de cuidado de niños en la casa? ¡Entonces esta clase es para usted! Se revisará, en forma general, todos los aspectos envueltos en operar un negocio familiar de cuidado de niños, incluyendo entrevista con los padres, mercadeando sus servicios, manteniendo archivos e impuestos, y mucho más. Cuando comienza un negocio de cuidado infantil, encontrará que necesita formas. Muchas formas. Desde horarios hasta contratos, desde acuerdos de transporte hasta “llegar a conocerte”, y muchas más. No se preocupe. Hemos reunido todos las formas que se necesitan y los hemos colocado en una memoria USB que puede comprar; y todas las formas son editables.

  • Agregue uno a su registración de Comienzos de Calidad por solo $10

  • Comprarlo el día de la orientación por $15

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Introduction to the Environment Rating Scale (ERS) - Part 1 & 2

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $10.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training is for center-based programs and family child care providers and offers an overview of the Environment Rating Scales. The Environment Rating Scales are user-friendly assessment tools that measure the quality of the learning environment for infants through school-age children. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool(s) for program self-assessment and improvement planning. ***Must attend both sessions to receive certification***

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Pyramid Model Infant-Toddler Module Series Module 2: Focusing on Relationships

WHERE: Virtual


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Casey Craft-Cortes

In Focusing on Relationships, participants will explore the importance and complexities of developing relationships between caregivers, families, and children. Participants should leave understanding that social-emotional development takes place within the context of relationships, so strategies to support development must prioritize building relationships. This training covers topics such as reflecting on participants’ past and current relationships, as well as addressing issues related to culture, diversity, race, equity, risk, and protective factors. It is recommended the trainer spend time reflecting on the discussion questions prior to the training to be prepared to share their own experiences and facilitate discussions.

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¿Tendrá Autismo mi Niño?


COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

Este entrenamiento proveera informacion actual sobre el Autismo, estadisticas, senales de alarma y estrtegias para promover la inclusion en los ambientes de educacion infantil.

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Letting Go of the Sticker Chart: Why Reward Systems Don’t Work in Teaching Social-Emotional Skills

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Presenters: Jennifer Robertson

This training focuses on the history and widespread use of reward systems in many environments with children. These systems exist for entire classrooms- such as “winning” cotton balls to put in a jar and earn a class reward- as well as for individual students- such as sticker charts for on-task behavior. Decades of research has revealed the ineffectiveness of reward systems in teaching social emotional skills as well as the detriment they do to intrinsic motivation. Participants will learn why this perspective has become so culturally ingrained as well as explore the fears around letting go of these systems. Alternative and more effective ways of structuring problem solving and skill building will be presented and practiced.

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Introducción a las Escalas de Clasificación de Entorno - Parte 1 & 2


COSTO: $10.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

Este curso de entrenamiento es diseñado para programas dictados en centros y proveedores de cuidados en hogares familiares, y ofrece una vista general de las escalas de clasificación del entorno. Las escalas de clasificación del entorno son herramientas de evaluación fáciles de usar que miden la calidad del ambiente de aprendizaje de niños desde la infancia hasta la edad escolar. Al finalizar este curso, los participantes serán capaces de utilizar las herramientas para evaluar por sí mismos sus programas y mejorar la planificación. ***Debe asistir a ambas sesiones para recibir la certificación***

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1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. This workshop is a a 1-day virtual session.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis American Heart Association

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Transforming Pages: A Creative Journey Through Altered Books

This creative writing workshop provides a safe and supportive space for adult survivors of sexual violence to explore their stories, express their emotions, and reclaim their voices. Through guided prompts and exercises, participants will use the power of words to foster healing, build resilience, and celebrate their strength. No prior writing experience is needed—just a willingness to create.

Contact: Kat Sturdevant, ATR-P at or Candillia Park at for more information/to register

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Elementos Basicos de Desarrollo Infantil, Salud y Seguridad

COSTO: Gratis

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Esta capacitación proporcionará a los participantes una visión general del desarrollo infantil, salud, y cuestiones de seguridad para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta la edad escolar temprana. El énfasis será en la comprensión de las pautas de desarrollo, áreas de desarrollo, y el papel que juega la nutrición en el desarrollo. Además, las cuestiones de salud y seguridad abarcarán el apoyo al crecimiento sano de los niños – desde lo fundamental como el lavado de manos hasta prácticas más profundas que involucran procedimientos saludables y la prevención de enfermedades. Los participantes aprenderán más sobre la planificación/preparación de emergencias y los primeros auxilios además de identificar sugerencias para mantener un ambiente seguro de interior y/o al aire libre.

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In Person on Wednesdays

January 29, 2025 - March 5, 2025

1340 S Damen Ave Mezzanine, Suite C, Chicago IL 60608

A safe and supportive space for teens aged 13-17 who have experienced sexual abuse. Here, you will find tools to understand and heal, surrounded by a group that understands you. You are not alone.

To register:

Brenda Gomez Herrera | | 312.762.2719

Julissa Herrera | | 312.376.2237

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En persona los miércoles

29 de enero de 2025 - 5 de marzo de 2025

1340 S Damen Ave Mezzanine, Suite C, Chicago IL 60608

Un espacio seguro y lleno de apoyo para adolescentes de edades 13-17 que han vivido el abuso sexual. Aquí, encontrarás herramientas para entender y sanar, rodeado de un grupo que te comprende. No estás solo/a.

Para registrarse:

Brenda Gomez Herrera | | 312.762.2719

Julissa Herrera | | 312.376.2237

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Cómo Transicionar a los Niños en el Salón de Clases de una Manera Divertida


COSTO: $15.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

La presentación enseñará a nuestros participantes a usar juegos y señales visuales para crear momentos de transición divertidos y emocionantes con los niños. Dedicaremos aproximadamente una hora y media a aprender cómo aplicar estas actividades en el aula. Todos sabemos que las transiciones son un desafío, especialmente para los niños. Esta presentación se centrará en las estrategias de las instalaciones que los participantes aprenderán a implementar en el aula.

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Virtual Group Tuesdays @5:00pm - 6:00pm , January 28, 2025 - March 18, 2025

Using the steps in in the book ‘You Need a Manifesto’ by Charlotte Burgess-Auburn clients will work each week on a new aspect of their personal manifesto and will use the prompts for self-reflection and goal setting. Group is held weekly on Tuesdays via Zoom and for those 18 and older.

Contact: Temyia Holcomb, LPC at or Lynese McIntosh at for more information/to schedule an intake.

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Business Savvy Saturday


COST: $45.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Business Savvy Saturday is a morning focused on supporting the business side of childcare. Participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable new information and inspiration to help maximize talent and resources from leading training and business experts.

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas de Entrenamientos

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Comienzos de Calidad


COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

¿Está interesado en comenzar un negocio de calidad de cuidado de niños en la casa? ¡Entonces esta clase es para usted! Se revisará, en forma general, todos los aspectos envueltos en operar un negocio familiar de cuidado de niños, incluyendo entrevista con los padres, mercadeando sus servicios, manteniendo archivos e impuestos, y mucho más. Cuando comienza un negocio de cuidado infantil, encontrará que necesita formas. Muchas formas. Desde horarios hasta contratos, desde acuerdos de transporte hasta “llegar a conocerte”, y muchas más. No se preocupe. Hemos reunido todos las formas que se necesitan y los hemos colocado en una memoria USB que puede comprar; y todas las formas son editables.

  • Agregue uno a su registración de Comienzos de Calidad por solo $10

  • Comprarlo el día de la orientación por $15

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Conscious Discipline © Skills Brief and Discussion: Noticing Instead of Judging


COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline © curriculum focuses on social emotional learning, effective discipline, and self-regulation techniques. It is a curriculum developed to support caregivers and parents with children exhibiting challenging behaviors. The skill of Encouragement focuses on noticing what children do instead of judging what they do. Participants will be supported in reflecting on the difference between these two things as well as explore the most productive ways to communicate with young children.

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Pathways to Empowerment: Vision Board Workshop for Survivors

This workshop offers a safe and supportive space for adult survivors of sexual violence to explore their hopes, dreams, and goals through the creative process of vision boarding. Participants will use images, words, and art to express their inner strength, reclaim their power, and envision a future of healing and empowerment. No artistic experience is necessary, and all art supplies and boards will be provided!

Contact: Kat Sturdevant, ATR-P at or Candillia Park at for more information/to register

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1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. This workshop is a a 1-day virtual session.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Trabajando con Niños con Trastorno Déficitario de la Atención


COSTO: $25.00

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un Correo Electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

En este entrenamiento los participantes identificaron la información más actual sobre el trastorno de la atención, estadísticas, factores de riesgo, características y tratamiento. Se discutirán estrategias educativas a implementar en el lugar de cuidado infantil. Se proveerán recursos respecto al tema

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | 312-328-0873 | Email

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Get advice from a Housing Counselor so you can maintain ownership of your home. Counselors will share tips on budgeting to meet your mortgage payments and options such as modifications, financial assistance for homeowners, and forbearance to address temporary financial difficulties.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business/entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-328-0873 to get started today!

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Certificación en RCP y Primeros Auxilios/Anafilaxis American Heart Association

COSTO: $0-$70

CONTACTE: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Opción 4 | Envia un correo electrónico

Políticas y procedimientos de la capacitación

Certificación de RCP para adultos/bebés/niños y primeros auxilios pediátricos de la American Heart Association y HeartSaver, incluida la capacitación en anafilaxia/Epi Pen. La certificación American Heart tiene una validez de 2 años.

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Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Module 4: Culture, Family, and Providers- Part 1 & 2



CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training focuses on culture and its implication for families and providers. Participants will learn how family experiences, knowledge, and childrearing beliefs and practices can be incorporated into early care and classroom settings. Cultural expectations and biases will be explored and participants will have the opportunity to increase their cultural awareness in terms of how their assumptions may affect their interaction with young children and families. Participants will demonstrate their understanding of how family structures, diversity in social, cultural, linguistic, or religious backgrounds influence family approaches to parenting in children birth to three, each other, and the community. Participants will gain an understanding of how relationships among caregivers, infants/toddlers, and families can impact other child-family, child-practitioner, and practitioner-family relationships.. ***Must attend both sessions to receive certification***

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Introduction to the Environment Rating Scale (ERS) - Part 1 & 2

WHERE: Virtual

COST: $10.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training is for center-based programs and family child care providers and offers an overview of the Environment Rating Scales. The Environment Rating Scales are user-friendly assessment tools that measure the quality of the learning environment for infants through school-age children. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool(s) for program self-assessment and improvement planning.

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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CPR and First Aid/Anaphylaxis Certification American Heart Association

COST: $0-$70

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training will focus on CPR and choking rescue for adults, children, and infants.Treatment of bleeding, burns, shock, seizure, splinting, and anaphylaxis. Proper use of Epi pen and automated external defibrillators (AED) will also be covered. Participants will earn a 2-year certification.

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Praise vs Encouragement


COST: $15.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

We all want children to develop a positive view of themselves. In this session we will discuss the differences between praise and encouraging statements and discover how to be more authentic in our choice of language and turn the focus on what the child is doing and feeling rather than on the adult.

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Financial Management Workshop

Financial Management Workshop

WHERE: Online

COST: Free

CONTACT: Lafayette Williams | Email

Thinking about purchasing a home or just want to get your financial house in order?

Attend a YWCA Financial Management Workshop to learn how to create a realistic spending plan, reduce your expenses so you can save more, and have a better understanding of your credit report and credit score. As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

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1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

1-Day Homebuyer Education Workshop

WHERE: Virtual

COST: Free

The first step to purchasing a home with the help of YWCA is to attend a free Homebuyer Education Workshop. This workshop is a a 1-day virtual session.

As a follow up to our workshops, YWCA can provide a range of assistance and services such as job training, technology classes, access to financial products, and small business and entrepreneurship services.

Register using this form or call 312-439-6229 to get started today!

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Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Module 3: Learning andDevelopment - Part 1 & 2



CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This session explores brain development, early learning and language development, and appropriate curriculum planning for infants and toddlers. PITC’s view of infants as active, self-motivated learners is explained and the role of the caregiver in supporting an infant’s desire for exploration is considered. The perspective that is presented can be summed up in the following way: “All children are born wired for feelings and ready to learn” when provided nurturing relationships and a peaceful but engaging environment that supports all learners, including infants with special needs. Engaging discussion and activities support participant’s learning. ***Must attend both sessions to receive certification***

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Virtual Creative Writing Workshop


LOCATION: Virtual (Zoom)

CONTACT: Kat Sturdevant MA ATR-P, SVSS Therapist |

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago is hosting a FREE virtual creative writing workshop focused on healing and empowerment for adolescent survivors of sexual violence, ages 14-17. Join us in a safe and supportive space to reflect and express yourself through guided writing prompts as we approach the end of the year.

No prior creative writing experience is necessary!

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Self-Compassion and Reflection: Practice Being Kind to Yourself


COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Former early childhood educator and developmental professionals will share developmentally appropriate book resources that anyone can use with young children to promote their speech and language development. Child development milestones will be supported through sharing videos and children's books appropriate for age 0-5. Strategies to support early literacy development and foster love and enjoyment during reading time with young children, that can be used immediately in the classroom. Book types that meet developmental milestones needs will be shared.

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Quality Beginnings


COST: $25.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Interested in starting a home child care business? Then this class is for you! A brief overview of all the aspects involved in operating a family child care home, including interviewing parents, marketing your services, setting up, record keeping and taxes, and more will be covered. When you start a child care business, you will find that you need forms. A lot of forms. From schedules to contracts, from transportation agreements to  getting to know you, and many more. Don’t worry. We have gathered all of the forms you can think of and have put them onto a flash drive that you can purchase; and they are all editable.

– Add to your registration for only $10.

– Purchase the day of the training for $15.

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CPR and First Aid/Anaphylaxis Certification American Heart Association

COST: $0-$70

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

American Heart Association Pediatric First Aid and HeartSaver Adult/Infant/Child CPR certification, including anaphylaxis/Epi Pen training. The American Heart certification is valid for 2 years.

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The Power of Reading- Promoting Young Children's Speech and Language Development


COST: $15.00

CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

Former early childhood educator and developmental professionals will share developmentally appropriate book resources that anyone can use with young children to promote their speech and language development. Child development milestones will be supported through sharing videos and children's books appropriate for age 0-5. Strategies to support early literacy development and foster love and enjoyment during reading time with young children, that can be used immediately in the classroom. Book types that meet developmental milestones needs will be shared.

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS/SUID/AAP and Safe Sleep)


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training discusses Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS/SUID/AAP Safe Sleep), including behaviors that increase the risk of SIDS, safe sleep habits, licensing standards, and resources for further information. The successful completion of this course meets DCFS pre-service licensing requirements for home care providers. Licensed providers will also receive training hours for license renewal. **Training also meets DCFS requirement for all providers**

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Shaken Baby and Traumatic Brain Injury


CONTACT: Quality & Training Department | 630-790-6600, Option 4 | Email

Training Policies

This training discusses the signs, symptoms, causes, triggers, prevention, and long-term effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Traumatic Brain Injury. The successful completion of this course meets DCFS pre-service licensing requirements for home care providers. Licensed providers will also receive training hours for license renewal. **Training also Meets DCFS requirement for all providers**

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