Mothers Day 2023

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Let's start today with the most important thought.

Thank you to the impactful mothers of this world - past, present, and future.
Thank you to the individuals (blood related or not) that felt our lives were worth helping to nurture in a world that will try our spirits.

For so many people, their mothers were their first teachers - the ones that helped establish our foundation of emotional skills, mutual trust, and respect for others. Mothers provide a safe space to explore your own personhood and how you believe others should treat each other. It’s a job that is widely acknowledged as being under-appreciated and not considered “real work” by some. That's why Mother's Day was established in 1908 as an official national holiday.But, how do we truly honor mothers in a moment when it feels like so many of their human rights are being questioned? How do we acknowledge that, as far as we've come in society, there are some heavy gaps in community resources and general recognition of these individuals? How do we address those that associate pain with the topic of motherhood or their own mother (absent or otherwise)?First, we need to acknowledge these barriers exist. Next, we must educate ourselves on the facts. Let's look at some current statistics:

  • Working mothers get paid 62¢ for every $1 paid to working fathers.
  • The United States does not have a national paid leave policy.
  • The wage gap widens when women have children.
  • Fewer mothers actually worked full-time, year round during the pandemic.

SourceThese may seem disheartening or impossible to correct to some. We don't believe that's the case and that's why we're still here.

A simple action you can take right now is making a donation to support the mothers served by our work.

Consider making a donation in honor of your own mother - or another individual/guardian that has made the difference in your life. Every cent is invested right back into our local community.Looking for other options?

  • Share this post on social media and tag @ywcachicago with your own thoughts on barriers for motherhood and/or solutions others could contribute.
  • Volunteer with us and learn about the variety of services available to mothers across our programming.

Finally, take a moment to check in on the mothers in your life. YWCA Metropolitan Chicago believes in unleashing youth and family potential. We do our best to evolve existing services based on the communities we serve. But that will never replace looking out for each other outside of our center doors.No matter what impact today has on you, thank you for allowing us to be part of it.


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