Financial Education Month Activities

Homebuyer Education Class - Full Day | Saturday, April 9th | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PMAre you ready to purchase a home or want to know how close you are to being ready? Attend this class to learn about the home-buying process and speak to industry professionals like realtors, lenders, and property inspectors. Two-part Homebuyer Education Class | Wednesday, April 13th & 14th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PMAre you ready to purchase a home or want to know how close you are to being ready? Then attend this evening class to learn about the homebuying process and speak to industry professionals like realtors, lenders, and property inspectors. Participants must attend entire session and receive 1:1 coaching in order to receive Homebuyer Education Certificate. Credit: How to Make it Work For You | Monday, April 25th | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PMThere’s a lot of talk about having “good” or “bad” credit but what does it really mean? How can you make credit work for you? In this session, a HUD Certified Housing Counselor will: explain what a credit score is and how it works; share steps to build or strengthen your credit history; and provide key steps you can take to boost your credit score.Leave the session with a snapshot of how credit works and tools to build strong credit history. The session will also include free resources you can use on your own to boost your understanding and build awareness of your rights. Buying or Refinancing a Home: Options and Tools | Tuesday, April 26th | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PMAre you thinking about buying a new home or refinancing a current home? Are you unsure how to find a reputable lender and low-risk loan? In this session, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago’s Housing Counselors will:· Outline the home buying (or refinancing) process, including lending considerations.· Explain predatory lending.· Cover common characteristics of housing discrimination and predatory lending.· Provide tips and tools to avoid predatory lenders.Leave the session with an understanding of the steps involved in buying or refinancing a home, including what a reputable lender and credible loan should look like. Leave the session prepared to sign new home loan documents with confidence! Business Basics | Wednesday, April 27th | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PMEver thought of what you can do with an additional stream of income? Maybe it’s time to start your own business! This presentation will cover concepts such as:· Understanding the characteristics of an entrepreneur· How to cultivate simple ideas into a viable business· Creating the fundamentals needed for a business plan· Ways to access capital to start your business Women & Money - Tools for the Long Term | Thursday, April 28th | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PMDid you know that the average life expectancy of a woman is 80.5 years? Depending on when you retire this could mean planning for 20-30 years of income after your working years! And for women that are married to men, they tend to outlive their male partners by six to eight years on average according to the CDC National Vital Statistics Reports. Either way- coupled or not- this is a call to action to take an active role in your finances all throughout your life. This interactive session will share tips for daily money management, investing for retirement, insurance needs, and how to create additional income for yourself. You Were Born Rich | Friday, April 29 | 1:00 PM - 1:30 PMDuring this 30-minute highly interactive and empowering forum, you will learn your financial personality, your beliefs, and the influence of your personal financial culture. Also, you will learn how your money beliefs impact your self-confidence, your financial security, your relationships with others, the urgency of business ownership, and MORE! Also, receive tips for sharing this information with the youth in your life.


Claiming the Child Tax Credit


The Impact of the Child Tax Credit